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Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Our Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR) Initiatives

What is CSR?

Corporate Social Responsibility is a commitment to improve community well-being through discretionary business practices and contributions of corporate resources.

Corporate Social Initiatives are major activities undertaken by a corporation to support social causes and to fulfill commitments to corporate social responsibility.


What are our initiatives?

At Enlighten Corp, we found that it is important not only to have strong financial performance, but also to have strong performance in terms of our responsibilities for social, environment and community that we are living. Some of our key initiatives are:

Cooling Down Our Globe Initiative – We found that there has been a lot of paper consumption in our businesses. Many trees have been cut and processed to be pile of papers that we are using. As a result, this has been one of factors which cause the increasing of globe, increasing of air-pollution.  The objective of this initiative is to give opportunity for our employees together with our clients in planting and growing trees together in order to help “Cooling Down our Globe”.

Good Wednesday - The Veggies’ Day Initiative – We have initiated this program to encourage our employees not to consume any types of meat every Wednesday. This is to help freeing some of animal lives and also to create awareness for our employees to be more health conscious. We run this program on every Wednesday throughout the whole year.